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Forge of Empires Wiki

I think many of us want to win easily. Of course you need to raise TAZiC for this and place additional buildings, encreasing A/D (TAZiC = Terracota Army, Cathedral of Aachen, Statue of Zeus and Castle del Monte). But one more way - to get military units from the next eras.

It's very simply to get the next units in many eras. To get +2 and more you have to go through quests line correctly.

There are 2 the best options, to my mind:

1. get up to five commandos in the industrial era  (other units too)

2. hovertank(s) and turturrets+sub cruisers  (as well as many intermediate and other units) in postmodern / present time.

1st goal can be achieved very easily. The main idea is to have spare cells of science in the past eras (that is, not to develop dead-end options, even if you really want to) and be sure to fight in the sector with a tower.
2nd is much more complicated: it is imperative to follow the previous instructions plus not to conquer sectors unnecessary for explorations on the map (exceptionally in PM, CE and TE!). Then you will avoid one (or two?) impassable quests. And in the CE (and if you are lucky, then in PM) you will have ocean units (It's 100% chance to get arctic units in PM). But their number will depend on how you went through certain sectors - in battle or for goods.
Unfortunately, I did not record battles in the postmodern, I remembered about this only in the CE. But here are a couple of links:


1000% for foe in GB? - Easily if you have future units )


Ocean units vs CE units