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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Villa is an Iron Age premium residential building that costs 200 Diamonds to be build. It is available as soon as the player advances to the Iron Age. The Villa produces 100 Gold every hour and provides 87 Population.It is essentially a Longhouse that takes up half as much space.

If the player decides to research the Multistory House, it is recommended to replace the Villa with it.


Coins 25.00 per tile and hour [1]


In update 1.85, the graphic of the Villa was reworked.

Other Residential Buildings[]

Residential Buildings
Stone Age Hut
Bronze Age ChaletLonghouse[2]Stilt HouseThatched House
Iron Age CottageRoof Tile HouseVilla[2]
Early Middle Ages Clapboard HouseFrame HouseMultistory House
High Middle Ages Brownstone HouseMansion[2]Town House
Late Middle Ages Apartment HouseEstate HouseManor[2]
Colonial Age Arcade HouseCountry HouseGambrel Roof HousePlantation House[2]
Industrial Age Boarding HouseUrban Residence[2]Victorian HouseWorkers' House
Progressive Era Art Nouveau Mansion[2]Council HouseHigh-RiseTenement House
Modern Era Luxury Dwelling[2]MotelPrefab HouseSuburban House
Postmodern Era BungalowDuplex HouseLoft House[2]Prefabricated High-Rise
Contemporary Era CondominiumShophouseWaterfront ResidentialWaterfront Villa[2]
Tomorrow Era AnnexCapsule HotelPod HomeTerraced High-Rise[2]
Future Era ArcologySelf-Supporting HomeTree House Hotel[2]Underground House
Arctic Future Clock Tower ApartmentCrystal VillaMobile HouseSea-Scraper[2]Sheltered Tipi[2]
Oceanic Future Bridge HouseFisherman's HouseFloating HouseHouseboatLight HouseSeaview Tower[2]Underwater Hotel[2]Urban Island
Virtual Future Generational HomeVR Lodge[2]Tea HouseModular VR Dwelling
Space Age Mars Adaptive Home[2]Astronaut Training DormitoryDome[3]Drop Pod[3]Modular Home[3]Simple Shelter[3]
Space Age Asteroid Belt Living Space ResidenceLow-Gravity Home[2]Movable Abode[4]Deep-Seated Housing[4]Vault House[4]Spaceview Residence[4]
Space Age Venus Inflatable DwellingAntigravity Residency[2]Floating Shelter[5]Inflatable Home[5]Advanced Apartment[5]Multipurpose Property[5]
Space Age Jupiter Moon Juno DwellingTitanus Residence[2]Aqua Pod[6]Aqua Cabin[6]Autonomous Chambers[6]Aquarius Habitat[6]
  1. Efficiency is measured by an assumed maximum production per hour divided through the number of tiles of the building and can be used as a subjective comparison towards other residential buildings.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 Premium Buildings.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Buildings on Mars Outpost.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Buildings on Asteroid Outpost.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Buildings on Venus Outpost.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Buildings on Jupiter Outpost.
